Applicant Profile

In order to obtain a tenancy agreement, it is up to the applicant to ensure that they have the correct documents uploaded to their applicant profile. If you haven't uploaded it before, you have 24 hours to do so after the response time has passed. You do this under My applications - applicant profile. The certificates must be current. One of the following certificates is accepted:

  • Registration certificate from Ladok in a PDF - only current or future programs/courses are accepted.
  • A letter of acceptance from in a PDF is approved if it is relevant for the coming semester and until the registration opens.
  • Certificates from as a screenshot that you have applied for a course or programme are approved until the admission decisions has been announced. If you move in before you have received your letter of acceptance.  
  • For doctoral studies, employment contracts in a PDF must be uploaded.

It is extremely important that you, when you accept an apartment, make sure that you have the current certificate uploaded. If you receive a notification that says "Update your applicant profile" you must click on the button and verify your information to proceed in the process.